We offer 40-hours of back-up, emergency childcare support for every founder for a twelve month period when they need it the most. The support is designed to cover the gaps created by childcare arrangements falling through; Bubble’s research found difficulties around the logistics of childcare can force parents to take up to eight days off work each year.
The lack of access to accessible, affordable childcare is regularly cited as one of the top barriers to impact women’s likelihood to start and scale businesses.
30% of eligible Ada Ventures founders have already used the back-up emergency childcare service in less than one year since it launched and 50% of eligible founders have either used it or intend to use it in the future.
Spill provides next day therapy sessions, specialised support for unique challenges founders face, and mental health training resources to help them manage stress and build resilience. Sessions remain confidential, with only aggregated usage data shared.
By funding anonymous mental health and therapy sessions for portfolio company founders, we strengthen our commitment to founder well-being, helping to reduce burnout and improve focus.
Average feedback scores for Ada Ventures’ founders so far are:
Every company gets strategic talent support from
Ben Norton, Venture Partner for Talent. Ben has worked in talent for 7 years at The Up Group and Egon Zehnder.
Introducing the Ada Ventures Talent Network, which enhances our ability to support portfolio companies in attracting exceptional and diverse talent for key roles. This network connects them with top-tier talent at the touch of a button.
Ada Ventures runs a fundraising trip in the Bay Area for its best performing businesses who are seed or Series A ready.